Event Listing

This manual updated February 1, 2020

From the Event Listing page, you can quickly locate existing events in EventPLUS. The Event Listing page provides multiple views from which to search for events.

This topic describes how to locate an event on the Event Listing page.


Note: TAP staff have the ability to create a new event from this page. To create a new event, click Events on the menu bar, and then click Add Event.

To search for events:

  1. Navigate to the Event Listing page.   

For TAP staff, the Event Listing page defaults to the list of the events that you have created or to which you have been delegated as a Co-Owner or Viewer.

However, you can change this display using the filters in the left sidebar.

  1. Locate the appropriate event using the filter criteria provided in the left sidebar. 

  2. In the list of events displayed in the main section of the Event Listing page, click the event for which you want to view details. The Event Details page appears for the selected event.

Review the details displayed on this page to confirm you have selected the correct event. For more information on managing / editing an event, see Event Details.